How Many Holes Does A Bowling Ball Have?

 Bowling is a popular sport that has been around for centuries. It involves rolling a ball down a lane to knock over pins at the other end. But have you ever wondered how many holes are in a bowling ball? Let's explore this topic further.

The Basic Design of a Bowling Ball

Before we dive into the number of holes in a bowling ball, let's first understand its basic design. A standard bowling ball has three main parts: the core, coverstock, and finger holes.

The Core

The core is the innermost part of a bowling ball that gives it its weight, balance, and shape. It is typically made of dense materials like rubber or resin and can come in various shapes such as symmetric, asymmetric, or pancake.

The Coverstock

The coverstock is the outermost layer of the bowling ball that makes contact with the lane. It is usually made of urethane, reactive resin, or plastic materials and can have different textures for varying levels of friction on the lane.

Finger Holes

Finally, we have the finger holes, which are essential for a bowler to grip and control the ball. These holes are drilled into the coverstock and can vary in number and placement depending on the bowler's preference and playing style.

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The Number of Holes in a Bowling Ball

Now that we understand the basic design of a bowling ball, let's get back to our initial question – how many holes does a bowling ball have? The answer may surprise you, as it actually depends on the type of bowling being played.

Ten-pin Bowling

In traditional ten-pin bowling, which is the most widely recognized form of the sport, a standard bowling ball has three finger holes – one for the thumb and two for the middle and ring fingers. This configuration allows for a stable and comfortable grip, making it easier to deliver the ball down the lane.

Five-pin Bowling

In five-pin bowling, which is popular in Canada, bowling balls only have two finger holes – one for the thumb and one for the middle finger. This is because the balls are smaller and lighter than ten-pin balls, so they require less control from the bowler.

Nine-pin Bowling

Nine-pin bowling, which is primarily played in Europe and parts of South America, also uses a different type of ball. The balls used in this game have no finger holes at all and are smaller in size compared to ten-pin balls. Instead, players use their palms to control the ball's direction and speed.


In conclusion, the number of holes in a bowling ball can vary depending on the type of game being played. Traditional ten-pin balls have three finger holes, while five-pin balls only have two. Nine-pin balls, on the other hand, have no finger holes at all. These variations in design add to the excitement and diversity of the sport, making it enjoyable for people of all ages and abilities. So the next time you go bowling, take a moment to appreciate the unique design of your ball and how it contributes to your game.


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